AmCham Romania Has a New Board of Directors – Ionuț Simion is the New President of the Organization
Following the AmCham Annual General Meeting on March 28, 2019, elected member of the Board of Directors appointed the new President and Vice-Presidents for the next one year mandate.
Ionuț Simion, Country Managing Partner PwC Romania re-elected in the AmCham Board will represent the organization as President, while Elisabeta Moraru, Country Manager Google Romania and Radu Florescu, CEO Cheil Centrade will be the Vice-Presidents. Ciprian Lăduncă, Senior Partner LCL is the elelected Treasurer of the organization.
The AmCham Romania Board of Directors also includesa the following members:
Cristian Agalopol, DCC Head Romania & Bulgaria, Citibank
Jovan Radosavljevic, General Manager Coca-Cola HBC Romania
Alexandru Reff, Country Managing Partner, Deloitte Romania
Călin Lupşan – General Manager, Intelligence
Iulian Popescu – Partner, Muşat & Asociaţii
Daniela Nemoianu, Senior Partner, Nemoianu Consulting
Mirela Iordan – Country Manager, Pfizer
Marius Perşinaru – Country President for Romania & Moldova, Schneider Electric.
On behalf of the Board of Directors, Ionuț Simion, the AmCham President reconfirms AmCham’s commitment to promote the business community values and vision for a sound, mid and long-term sustainable economic growth: “Our experience during the past year proves once again that the fundamental principles that we constantly advocate for – transparency, predictability, open consultations – are not only nice words we use, but an essential prerequisite, a guarantee for adopting public policies with a positive impact in the economy and society. We need the decision-makers and population to understand that the private sector, the main contributor to the economy, wants the best for Romania as well.
AmCham Romania, a business association representing over 430 U.S., international and Romanian companies, is acknowledged as a promoter of the private-public dialogue on matters related to the business climate, public policies that impact Romania’s economy and competitiveness or the economic ties between Romania and the U.S.